TSIAS: A Young Adult Book For A Not-So-Young Adult

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Everything happens for a reason. There's no doubt there is, always. No single event in this universe exists wholly for itself, everything is related and interconnected. You and I, she and he, they and them, we all are, just like Daniel Bae and Natasha Kingsley. It may sound superficial, but it is the truth. You know it is, and you don't have to deny it.

My first book in 2022, tanan, The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon, is a young adult book for a not-so-young adult like me. haha

Yoon's book is dreamy, yet ironically realistic. The drama and comedy of life are vivid in this short-lived love story between Daniel and Natasha. Fate brought them together and soon enough they got separated in a one-day time.  A fast-paced love rendezvous from morning 'til nighttime of two youngsters who have opposing beliefs about love.

The alternate point of view of the male and female leads in the book brings equilibrium to the whole concept of the story. It balances the opposing ideas incorporated in the story. Life is a comedy and a tragedy. Love is superficial and scientific. Human existence can be good and bad. But it is the whole experience of living the life where we can get the most of it. That despite the pain, there can still be joy. 

We only have a dainty span here on earth and the best we can do is to live it with a purpose. Have you found your purpose in this confusing world? I pray that you already did, if not yet, let's continue to pray about it. Let's go!

The pacing is divine. The timing is perfect. The book is superb. A good book to start the year right!

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