Constant Constantine

Monday, April 1, 2024

Constantine was a movie I always had been curious to watch. It's about angels, demons, and humans. John Constantine was born with a gift or a curse of seeing beyond the physical world. He has accessed the world of the spirits.

I have always been curious about this movie. I had watched some clips online and at one point encountered it on a free National TV back home, but I never had finished the whole film, not until I saw one of Keannu Reeves, The Devil's Advocate. 

Curiosity got me watching this movie, well aside from Keanu Reeves as the main act here, I do enjoy stories about angels and demons, they tickle my fickle human mind.

If your faith is not founded in a solid rock, then this movie might question your belief. Be ready to defend your faith from self-doubting. 

Constant doubt might just be hovering around you, and waiting for the right moment to attack the vulnerability in your faith. Make sure you stand your ground and be firmed to fight against or flee from the work of the enemy. Be steadfast. 

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