Something went wrong at NBS

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The lady in a pink t-shirt partnered with her knee-length maong skirt strut her way as she walked across the paralleled department in one of the biggest malls in their town. She cat-walked as if no one was around her in that public place that was always populated with different people on any given day. 

While carrying a paper bag full of wooden key chains she bought from a Christian book store, her next stop was the most reputable bookstore chain in the Philippines. She glanced at the sale signboard as she slowly passed by the floor to ceiling window panels. Salivating over those discount sales was an overstatement, but nevertheless, it was a sight to see a bookstore with 50% off signs. 

The lady in a pink t-shirt and knee-length maong skirt was feeling giddy as she browsed a few selections of books on sale. Hardbound and softbound. Fiction and non-fiction. Local and international authors and publishers. There were a quite few selections of printed books in an industry that was dying little by little due to the emergence of the digital age in the publishing world.

Spectators said that e-book or electronic books would soon replace the existence of the printed books and people would no longer want and need to buy printed books in a physical book store. But the lady in a pink t-shirt and knee-length maong skirt begged to disagree.

Dropping by to an NBS branch was a routine for her whenever she went to a department store and always looked forward to discounted or bargained books. That day at NBS was like any ordinary day for her, except for health protocols due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After filling out the contact tracing form, she swiftly entered the haven of any book lover. She browsed books like she normally would, reading the title and the author of the book, turning the book and glancing the price at the back, and pondering whether the book worth the price or wishing when it would go on sale. After some time of wishful thinking, she would return the to its original place, properly.

At one corner of the book store where no one seemed to notice that place, the lady in a pink t-shirt and knee-length maong skirt took an interest in surveying the corner. It had books she wanted to buy not so long ago. 

to be continued...

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