We Are Heavenly Bodies, Are We?

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

What if the governing entities of this NASA are heavenly bodies who want to return home? And they have been doing it since humans barely learned how to get out there, in outer space. They have been trying to put themselves back in the heavenly realms yet until now they haven't fully discovered the most efficient and effective way to return where they originally come from.

Or maybe, we as humans always have that intense desire to return home, to the heavenly realms. We, ourselves, are heavenly bodies and we're just trying to make it back home in our own way, in our own time, in our own effort.

These were just a few of the many thoughts I had when we visited NASA Space Center in Houston, Texas. 

I was excited and so looking forward when there was a plan to go there, well, except for the unexpected expenses that might go beyond my budget but I had no choice but to take risk or else I wouldn't be able to visit it on my own because I had no car and the more the merrier. 

All I could see were pictures and realia and souvenirs, and I was not enjoying it. I was looking for something that could make me experience what it was like to be in outer space. My expectations were too high.

We continued to roam around the Space Center and finally something caught my attention. I saw people sitting comfortably on a makeshift chair for astronauts. The two persons were looking on their own monitor as they felt how it was like to be seated on a skyrocket that was about to take off. The vibration added to the experience of the take off. There was a short line waiting to experience the same and we also did wait for our turn. I liked it. I enjoyed it. 

We got to tour the facilities while riding a tram of the actual working area where they practice the astronauts and develop equipment and machines that would help the human race to further have access to outer space. A life size skyrocket ship amazed by how huge it was. 

So what if humans really are heavenly bodies? What if we're originally from outerspace and we so desire to go back where we belong, to return back home? Just think about it, we might be the aliens of this world and the native dwellers are the animals we rule over with. What are odds!

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