The Dandelion on a Bumpy Ride

Monday, January 8, 2024

This book was my companion during my stay at an airport in FL. I stayed the night at the airport since my flight back to TX was scheduled the next day. I tried to sleep, so hard, but it wasn't even a  sleep. Nap in between waking up was a better term for it. 

I had a long chair all by myself so I could stretch out my legs and sleep in comfort even just a little, thank God, but the bright lights and the tall Christmas tree screamed at me as if telling me I should be wide and awake. I kept an eye on my things just in case, because no one else would. 

The book, Dandelion by Gabbie Hanna, reminded me of the books I also wrote. Yes, you heard that right, I write books, I tried to write. God knows I tried. 

Her writings brought me back to the times when I was so scared to tell the dark little secrets I kept in me out of shame, out of guilt. I bottled up all my feelings, the good and the bad, until I ended being depressed. 

I needed a savior, a healer, someone who would accept me for who I was, someone who would lift me up from the dirty pit. 

Someone. I needed someone.

But nobody came the way I expected it. I waited and waited. God knows I waited. I started to question Him. I thought He didn't listen. He ignored my prayers, my mourning, my lamentation.

I cried for help, for someone who could save me from all the misery, pain, and shame I willingly took under my care. I nourished them with all the negative and bitter thoughts I once had and gave birth to a perfectly healthy depression. 

Then, someone returned to my life. I was lost but found. Again, always. He pulled me out of that dirty-muddy dark pit. He saved. Jesus saved me. The answer I didn't want to accept but what I badly needed. He is the answer to everything! Jesus is the answer to every problem!

You might also be a dandelion on a bumpy ride in your life right now, well I hope you also find Him, because He will definitely find you in a way you never imagine. 

The book Dandelion by Gabbie Hanna was a good read. I bought this copy from Goodwill for a good price. It kept me company for two days. A short read I badly needed. Haha.

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